Monday 26 March 2012

Our Eco board

Top ten tips to be Eco Friendly

Our new Eco code

Update from the new Eco Committee

The St Eco Greenies have decided to revamp our old Eco Code with a new one.

The new Eco Code is –

‘To protect our world and make our school a better place’.

 Us planting trees in the school grounds

This year we have come up with a new action plan which will involve us working on these main areas; Health and Wellbeing, Biodiversity and School Grounds, Litter and Water.

So far we have planted trees within the school grounds, checked that all the taps are working within our school and carried out a survey to make sure everyone is being energy efficient.  We have also made ‘Mr Water’ to make sure everyone remembers to turn off taps and a ‘Mr Electric’ to make sure everyone remembers to turn off lights. 

To help us meet our targets, we plan to do the following activities this year;
-       organise a fundraiser for water aid
-       try to get more water butts for our school grounds
-       set up a bird club at lunch times
-       find a better home for the welly bank
-       give each class an indoor plant to care for
-       ask the RSPB to visit our school to give us advice
-       water pants inside and outside using water from the water butts
-       hold a healthy week around the time of the Olympics
-       give suggestions for healthy pack lunches
-       find out why it is so important to drink water
-       carry out weekly litter pick ups
-       take part in the communities ‘bag the bruck’
-       grow our own vegetables to use in school

There are even things you can do at home to help us become a more eco friendly community;
-       make sure you turn off lights, tvs, computers etc when they are not being used
-       try not to leave the tap running when you are brushing your teeth
-       remember to recycle
-       take any old mobile phones, batteries, envelopes and ink cartridges in to the mini – recycling centre in school
-       close doors to keep the heat in
-       try to eat healthy foods, remember to have your 5 a day and to drink plenty of water!

Thank you for helping our community to become more Eco friendly :)

Saturday 12 June 2010

Outdoor Eco Day 2010

On Thursday 10th June the whole school took part in a range of outdoor activities. These were all related to this year's Eco themes of Energy or Biodiversity / School Grounds. We had a very successful day, which was very much enjoyed by everyone who took part. As usual, we are very grateful to our willing helpers, without whom events like this could not take place. Many thanks to Kirsty, Hayley, Rona, Glynis, Karen and Victoria, our parent helpers, and also a sincere thank you to Brid McKibben from Community Energy Scotland, Bruce Ruthven, Orkney's Rugby Development Officer and Catherine Johnston of Active Schools.

Monday 24 May 2010

Helping the Bumblebees!

After learning all about the bumblebee for the RSPB Vote for Nature project, the children in Primary 2/1 have been lucky enough to become involved in a local project to help the bumblebee, and particularly the Great Yellow Bumblebee, survive. Eileen Summers, Environmental Officer for the Council, helped P2/1 plant seedlings of eight different plants native to Orkney. In time these plants should provide pollen for bumblebees right through the spring and summer months. We are looking forward to seeing these plants flower. Well done Primary 2/1 for playing your part in helping to look after the bumblebee!

The outdoor classroom

Rainforest Adventure

On Friday 14th May every class in the school had the opportunity to take part in an exciting adventure through the rainforest. Jenny from Zoolab led us through the rainforest and introduced us to several creatures which can be found there, for example, a giant land snail, a corn snake and a giant millipede.